Summer of 84
Summer of 84 is a psychological thriller movie made by Francois Simaed, Anouk Whissell, and Yoann-Karl Whissell. It was released in 2018, it is set in the United States in 1984.The main character is played by Graham Marc Verchere, a Canadian actor who was 16 year old at the time. The movie features four young actors in their mid-teens.
In 1984, Davie was a 15 year old boy living in Oregon, USA. In his neighborhood, there were many incidents where children went missing. He considers a man living in the neighborhood to be the culprit, and tries to confirm the truth with three best friends.That’s the story.
This movie creates a good representation of America in the 1980s. For example, the clothes and scenery make the audience feel nostalgic. Boys around the age investigate horror incidents like a game.It’s thrilling and people of our age will be hooked by the movie.That's why I recommend it. It's exciting to imagine that one of our youths would experience something like this. This movie has not only thrills, but also the feelings of boys and the sexuality unique to adolescents. Keep an eye on the last rapid development.